Secret Mission

Man, I just came back from a secret mission that I can’t talk about, being a secret mission, I can’t even blog about it in case it leaked out to some unnecessary ears. So, I was all secretive, and went off around dinner time, which was the time to run this secret mission of mine. Ya it had to be a specific time. I was at the venue a little late, a hour late that is. There were so many things to remember about the details of the mission etc, I was cracking my head. Being the first time, I was rather nervous and all. I tried to act cool and normal, but I think I probably looked suspiscious, I could feel many eye prickling my skin. In fact, I probably make a lousy secret agent, coz I was talking aloud to my friend about my observations, but I didn’t think anyone paid any attention, as the noise level in the place was pretty high.

I don’t know how many secret agents there are out there, if you’re reading this and you’re one too, you may know what I’m talking about. But please, no naming names here ok. Anyways, I don’t know what happened, but I frequent this venue quite often, and on normal days, things would have been fine, but of all days, on the day when I came to spy on them, many things went wrong. I had to be truthful in my secret report, so I just reported what went on. It was a shame on them.

Anyways, it was totally fun in the end. It was just fun doing it and getting paid for it. I can’t wait to go on my next mission scheduled for next month. Who’s gonna be my next victim?

4 Responses to Secret Mission

  1. Agent 003 1/4,

    This message is classified. We have a new mission for you. This mission, if you choose to accept it, will require you to discover the secret treasure buried at the bottom the Klang River. Clues to the treasure are believed to have been hidden in the 5 and 10 ringgit notes, as well as in the book “The Wahlauwei Code”. Hurry, Agent 003 1/4, before the rival agents from Sector 126F get to it first!

    This message will self-destruct in 12 years.

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