God’s graciousness

I took leave today to go my university, my lecturer wanted to get my multimedia courseware from me. If you had read this, you would have known that I had been doing my research for quite some time now without any results. Many people, including my parents are questioning what I am doing with my time. The fact is, I had not been doing it wholeheartedly after the previous disappointment, I was like thinking I’d never get it done.

In December, I’ll be going for a major academic conference in Singapore. A while back, I had written this paper to be submitted for the international conference. It was supposedly very hard to get a place to present, as I am just a student afterall. However, with the help of my supervisors who corrected me here and there on the paper, I was actually accepted! Hallelujah.

Anyways, that’s not the end, coz I actually have to pay a large amount of money to go and also the conference fees. As I do not have any grant, I have to search deep into my pockets. But God has been good, and provided everything. Within that time, I manage to get a great job and saved enough to pay for everything. God even send a friend I haven’t met since primary school to meet me online, and since he is now staying in Singapore, I just casually asked him where I could find a cheap place to stay. I seriously couldn’t afford any of the hotels. Lo and behold he recommended Hangouthotel. I had never heard of this place before, but it’s only $20 a nite cheapest rate, even cheaper than the cheap hotel I stayed in with my sister the last time I was there.

Now, that already saved me a lot of expenses. Then, I also had another problem, I am presenting the paper without the results as I haven’t done the research yet! That would seem rather awkward. So, I wrote down this prayer in my Palm, asking God to help me do the research before December. Recently I got a formal letter from Unimas that agreed to do the research. Althought I had asked to do it in November, it seems the lecturer can only make it after Raya.

I really thought I’m just going to go to Singapore and present whatever I have. But I just make a mention to my supervisor anyways, and lo and behold, he decided to help me by providing his students to be the subjects of the research for now. Although it won’t fulfil my thesis yet, but it was fantastic news! It would mean that I will have some data to present after all!

Today, I was in the bus and just thinking over all these things. I am just amazed at how all things fall into place, without me having to use my own strength or anything. I really thank God, that these things can’t happen because I worked at it or anything, it happened because God willed for it to happen, He had everything planned for me, I just have to give my faith and trust that He will be there to guide me in everything. Hallelujah. So I was looking at my prayer list in my Palm, and found that the prayer I wrote some time ago was actually answered. Isn’t God amazing?

3 Responses to God’s graciousness

  1. Praise God!! 😀 This is some great news. We all been wondering what you were up to lately so at least now I know everything’s going great for you. ^_^

  2. Hey that’s great news! Praise the Lord! Maybe I should make a list of my prayer requests on my PPC too. Anyway, I’m really happy for you and your story is a real great testimony for God.

  3. Dave: yeah I got this software for writing journals, prayers and even sermons, but can’t be transfered to the computer tho. I think I probably forgot about that prayer already, but God didn’t forget, and answered my prayer anyways!
    Chris: Thanks sis! Everything’s going fine. Hope to hear more of your stories too!

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