New site

Oh my gosh! It is all done!! I had mentioned earlier that my sis just picked up blogging after much persuasion. Well, not really. In order to get her a great site, I offered to set it all up for her. Thanks to LiewCF for kindly hosting the Movable Type site.

This is my first time trying to set up an MT site, just wanna learn something. Previously, Itchyhands had helped me set mine up. So, not surprisingly it took me pretty long to do the whole thing. Actually, it was all uploaded and configured in a day, but due to certain server complications, I had to wait a few more days to redo the templates. I just grabbed one out of MovableStyles to save time. and added stuff here and there.

By the way. the site is called Whispering Thunder. My sis being an anime fan, I thought that sounded animeish. But it’s great anyways, and unique.

It was a fun experience, especially since I also set up all the extras for her, like Flickr account, PPS pings and all that stuff. Now that I kinda like her site more than my own! Coz I did mind without any knowledge of CSS or whatsoevers, so looking at my templates, they are so messy. However, the new site isn’t exactly CSS Compliant either. I’m too tired to so anymore, so I’ll just leave it as it is first.

I did found out that Movable Type is now offering paid softwares. The free one I got has got more limitations than the previous versions, like only one author allowed, and only three weblogs. Thank God Dave set up KAOG’s site earlier, since that one is using so many weblogs and multiple authors.

Happy blogging sis!

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