Jac or Dina? The Finale

So the Malaysian Idol phenomenon is nearing it’s end. In another four hours, a new star will be born, a new icon that will be seen by the world in World Idol that represents the proud Malaysians. Who will it be?

The Malaysian Idol show had survived all the ‘huru-hara’ (controversies) that tags alone with it since its conception back in April. There was the opposition parties’ views that a simple singing competition will rock the faith if their followers, the racial issues that Chinese people only vote for Chinese, then the many bru haha over the wrong people being booted, that this is a popularity show rather than a talent show, some say the show sucks, that Malaysians can never compare to their American counterpart etc etc. In fact, TMnet made sarcastic adverts that was probably targetted at the many TV critics, that the show has made everyone become an expert critic in singing. All that is now gone, as we focus all our energy on who’s gonna win the title tonite.

I had been following the show most of the time from the beginning. However, I had not actively participated in voting, that was after Nicki left. I just never have enough credit ok. Now that we’re down to 2, I think both Dina and Jac have pretty much earned their spot. Dina for one, was just a kid on the block when she first came on the show. Now look at her, in the words of Roslan, she’s definitely blossomed and looked much like a star in her own right. However, in last nite’s final, I can’t help but notice the kid in her coming out, when she becomes a little nervous in her second performance. Jac on the other hand, is obviously experienced. However, being experienced doesn’t make her less worthy of the title. After all, she’s got it all made, she’s like the perfect package to be sent to World Idol. She definitely has got charms to wow the crowd anytime, most importantly is her originality and raw talent.

I can’t wait to catch the show tonite. Whoever it will be, it would definitely be a great show.

For those who’s got no tv, has no time, got a meeting etc, here are some great sites with recordings of the show. By the way, I think the Official Malaysian Idol site sucks! The videos are never updated, the photos are terrible. Hey, what happened yo? On the other hand, these Unofficial sites made by fans for fans are fantastic! Take a look at ’em.

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One Response to Jac or Dina? The Finale

  1. Heheh, yeah I visit the Kreees site a lot – the official site sucks!

    On the final, well, there was only one clear winner. Dina’s a great singer, but she didn’t succeed in upstaging Jac.

    Forget controversy, speculation, nasty mean-spirited comments about Jac’s eligibility or her levels of confidence.

    The girl can sing, and if anyone can go out there and compete head-on with all the other Idols out there, it’s definitely Jac.

    I’m not the kind of guy who sends SMSes for any competition or polls, but I’m making an exception for MI – and for Jac – cos I think it’ll be a bloody disgrace if the best talent in the competition doesn’t win.

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