Ah siah enjoying Lo Su Fun

Ah siah enjoying Lo Su Fun

Originally uploaded by Leona.

I haven’t seen Ah Siah in a loooong time, since we last lived together without proper documents. That must have been some 3 years ago. Out of the blue she called me last week. She came over to my new spanking house, so that I could help her with some recording. Apparently, she’s trying to learn Korean language. Interesting…I think Koreans are really funny people.

Anyways, I braved two tapes, that’s like 4 hours of people speaking Korean through the tape going into my computer and being recorded with Creative Recorder. It’s pretty fun, then I had to make them into Audio Cds with Nero.

From early morning to something like 3.30 pm that hot Saturday, while the tape was running in the background in the funny language, Ah Siah and I went yakking away.

Surprisingly, we never went back to the past. She kept talking about her new lab mate and their interesting, albeit weird stories. I wonder when I’ll see her next…

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