The deZire of my heart

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What I really meant from the title was I got a Palm! A Palm Zire 31 in this case. It had been a few weeks old already, but I couldn’t ever post about it coz I got my Flickr account full to a 100% last month, so I tot I couldn’t post any more pictures (albeit using Imageshack) till this month. Lo and behold, I can’t even access the flickr site at all today, I wonder why. So I had to return to using Imageshack, old and faithful.

Anyways, my little Zire is one of the lowest end color PDA around. In fact, it’s probably the cheapest too. Maybe that’s why I got it, simply for the price. Few weeks ago, I was seriously contemplating between a Palm and a PPC Pda. Finally I settled for a Palm for various reasons.

1) I can’t afford huge space, yet I like to install lotsa stuff. So, since Palm’s software are relatively smaller, it’s got the advantage.
2) Plus it’s cheaper 😛
3) I’m no fan of Microsoft stuff
4) Palm can install and uninstall programs on the fly, by just deleting it. Feels must like Mac huh.

Some untrue reviews about Palm are that it’s more stable and never hangs. That’s absolute rubbish tho, coz I don’t know how many times I had to reset mine after it hangs. But that’s rather relative to the amount of RAM and ROM and the program you’re using. So, say you’re using a Tungsten T5 or something, I’m sure it’d be pretty stable with the 256Mb ram.

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Here’s the Palm Zire 31 posing with the other gadgets. Zire is my favourite companion for now, who knows what come next.

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