Tribute to Tiang

As I was on my way to the seminar thie evening, I was reading about this bus crash on the front page of the Star. “Not another crash” I thought. There’s also a piece of news on the Nuri helicopter missing in Sarawak. Just a few weeks ago, we learned of the death of the passengers of another helicopter that flew through that area. It was a sad and shocking time as I knew three of the people that perished that day. Three wonderful men of God, who were ministers from my home church.

Back to the crash today, it was another sad and shocking piece of news. This is written in tribute to Tiang, pictured here.

Tiang perished in the bus crash yesterday morning. Read more.
I knew Tiang when I was studying in UKM and worshipping in FGA. We used to make fun of him and call him Tiang Lampu, and now God has called him back home. Nevertheless, he was really nice about it, in fact, he’s a really nice guy, was a good leader with the UPM students. We will surely miss him. I just pray that peace will be with his family and friends.

2 Responses to Tribute to Tiang

  1. You knew him too? He was from my hometown, we were in the same church & Youth Fellowship. I’m still so shocked.

    Btw I was in FGA too, used to attend TSF. Proabably would have seen you around but I’m not sure whether we’ve ever actually met…

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