CONVO People Throwing

Today was Aylwin and Li Ann’s Convocation in UKM. The Convocation will run for another 2 days. I was there to snap some lousy pics with my lousy cam! Every year it is PERKEB (Persaudaraan Kristian UKM/UKM Christian Fellowship) dudes to celebrate a member’s graduation by flinging them high into the air. Today we were all a bit worried about flinging our heaviest member here.(see pic and guess which one!)

Li Ann was really easy, she went hip hip hurray about a meter high for 3 times! All the while with us by standers screaming on. The other grads and families couldn’t help looking and us and assuming we’re stupid and crazy. Hey, coz last year, somebody tried to copy our infamous act and had the grad fall into the drain!

Anyways, when it was time for Aylwin’s turn, his mum was telling us to do it just once. All the thin thin guys were getting nervous, er, in effect, the flinging was probably just a few cm high.Thank God for no casualties such as expected broken thin limbs and all… so it’s all a happy ending and Tabby the Cat is still fat!

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