Of Euro and nolstagia

My class in form 5(Guess where I am!)

The Major Footie event of this year Euro 2004 is drawing to an end with much unpredictable turns of events. In a couple of days, or maybe just one day mathermatically, history would be made, with the new champion never before crowned in this century. Would it be the Portugese or the Greeks? So much for many Greek related movies that flowed into our cinemas within these couple of years too. Eg. My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Troy, er what else?

Anyways, the Euro games always bring me back to my school days when I was in Form 4. Sweet Sixteen, Euro 96. The most memorable time of my teen years. I was very new to football then. I’ve never watched a game of football in my life. The gang of friends I was hanging out with started to get into footie madness and was chatting about it everyday. Of course, this made me feel left out, coz I had no idea who’s this Giiggs, Beckham and Cantona people. One friend, Yien, really influenced me a lot and pestered me to just watch one show. I think it was the FA Cup finals one night, so I decided what the heck, I wanted to see what the whole fuss was about. It was MU playing another team I can’t recall. So, I watched and WOW! That was the night I fell in love with football!

At school we started going crazy about the players etc, you know, girls ma. Hhm, at that time, Xfiles was a big craze too!

Anyways, when Euro 96 drew near, five of us girls, Me, Adeline, Sharon, Yien and Selina decided we were gonna collect newspaper cuttings of the whole event and compile it in a file. So, everyday, we brought newspapers to school, and during our free periods we would sit at the back of the class and started our little cut and paste hobby. Anyway, that was also the start of me being a footie fan of MU. I would stay up late at nights with my sis, and watched every match! My mom had no idea and so we usually had to be on the alert if she comes out of her room, we ‘d have to off the tv and hide in the dark! I remember even when I was having STPM, I would still stay up and watch the games.
Well, as for the portfolio we did, it was kept by Adeline who went to Christchurch after Form 5. We had a pact to pass from one person to the other every year till the next championship, unfortunately, that never happened. After a while of being apart, (I was the only who stayed back in Kuching, while the rest went to NZ), guess we sorta drifted apart. Sigh, those were the days. Gosh makes me feel nolstagic!

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