Tattoos are a norm in our Asian society since a long time ago. Back in my hometown Sarawak, the local people are known for their intricate works of tattooing themselves. It seems to add to their fierceness as the Warriors of Sarawak.
Back here, even a good friend of mind has some flower or butterfly marking up her lower back. It’s totally hidden unless she exposes herself. It is such a normal practice that most young people would find it cool to get one. It makes one look tough and fashionable in a way.
However, what are the implications of getting one? What does the Word of God say about it? If you read the Bible before, you’ve probably read about how bad it is etc, but why really is it so harmful at all? After all, aren’t we in the broadband age where everything is practical and has no rules?
I read this really good article on why one should reconsider getting one done. It’s totally not condemning those who’s got tattoos, but explains non threateningly the implications of it.
I personally think that tattooing is not rite coz our bodies are temples of God.
1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” Most young people do not find that verse practical in today’s society. After all, ain’t our God all forgiving?
So what about getting a scripture based tattoo? Doesn’t that show I’m proud to be Christian? Miller (the article writer) says that we should witness thru our lives not our physical outlook. Hhm, it’s fairly easy to contradict this. Anyhow, if doing this one thing could hinder others from being saved, then better not to do it. After all, if God says it is wrong, then isn’t it better to just obey his commands? We can’t argue for He is all knowing and always right and knows what’s best for us.
The cons outweighs the pros:
Your parents won’t like it.
It could be dangerous – aids, hepatitis etc.
You might regret it as you grow older.
Laser remover is costly.
The Bible is against it.
People will stereotype you, so much for being a testimony.
Some think you’re cool.
You satisfy yourself and no others.
What do you think??
i’ve always wanted to get a tattoo.. mm.. just waiting for the right time 🙂
Although in general I don’t prefer tattoos. If I have to have one…it’ll be The Red Dragon etched all ovr my back. Hell..if I want one…I might as well go all the way. Besides, when I’m older…who the hell wants to see my body let alone my tatoo anyway?
well.. i’m impartial to the cons tht you’ve listed cos’ i have a whole bunch of em ink on my body.. lolzx..
neways, dont do tatts just because it’ll make you look cool.. that’s so totally wrong-o.. do it becos u want it.. all my tattoos are well hidden. to me it’s more of a self searching spiritual sorta thingie^^