Miracle and Power of God

I haven’t been blogging as I didn’t want people to come to my site for a while. The reason being I’m gonna exceed my bandwidth of 250MB and will be suspended! Worry not, I’m gonna upgrade to a paid account soon, whoa up to 1GB of bandwidth! All for only RM50 student account from LiewCf. Thanks to you man!

Anyways, I got a testimony to share. Few weeks ago, I got a shocking news from my sis, that my auntie (my dad’s only sis) was hospitalised with brain tumor. At the time, she was at the ending stage of tumor development and was in comatose. Immediately, I told some friends about it and Nicky gathered John and Richard for a short prayer meeting about this. I felt a great relief upon submitting her life into God’s mighty hands, and didn’t feel a whole lot of worry about it. Today, saw my sis online and she told me of God’s miracle, that my aunt had fully recovered! It is totally unbelievable yet totally believable at the same time!

It seems that my mum had been praying fervently and seeing that God is our healer is just an amazing thing. Too bad I’m not there to see it all happening, but it doesn’t matter where we are, we can always praise and thank Him for being here for us even when we don’t know it.

6 Responses to Miracle and Power of God

  1. God dwelling within each of us

    God is hidden craftily in His creations so that He is what they are, and they are what He is; and in knowing them, you know Him.

    God is always more than All That Is, is the sum that you cannot find–and for my definition of God, I therefore leave you with that one:

    For God is the sum that you cannot find, that resides within you, that is more than anything you can discover, that is His creations and yet more than that which is created, within Whom infinities rest.

  2. Hello! I have just read about your aunt. I really didn’t know but I’m so glad she’s okay now. 🙂 Take care. bye!

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