Category Archives: shopping

Toy Bank, A Gift of Love Community Programme 2016

It felt like just yesterday that I joined Cheras Leisure Mall’s Toy Bank 2015 initiative last year!  Yes It’s back again this year because Cheras Leisure Mall is committed to extend love and care to children in need, especially during the Christmas season, the season of grace, of love and of hope. It is definitely… Continue Reading

Jalan Jalan Japan Brings Japan to Malaysia At A Budget

Preloved things from Japan? I’ve always heard how well the Japanese care for their things, from their clothes, toys, books, to just about anything they own. They just have the highest respect for whatever they buy and use and they don’t use it for a really long time as they need to make space for… Continue Reading

DIY Your Own Scented Lotion by Bare Sasa

Bare Sasa knows how our mood always changes. Before going to work, we will want to put on a scent gives us an energy boost or something that inspires us to be enthusiastic and creative. After work, the scent that attracts us most would be something that is relaxing and refreshing, detoxing and calming. If… Continue Reading

Shop on ezbuy Without Chinese Language

Have you always wanted to shop on Taobao (Direct from China products) but just don’t know how to read Chinese? I know, for years I only know how to look at the products I want but I had no idea how to go about shopping on it or if I would make a mistake as… Continue Reading

Animated Social Media Icons by Acurax Responsive Web Designing Company