Category Archives: music

Watch Wonderful Tonight, A Benefit Concert for Nepal and Kelantan

‘Wonderful Tonight’ Charity Concert to Aid MERCY Malaysia’s Nepal Relief & Kelantan Flood Relief Efforts Baby Grand Productions is collaborating with MERCY Malaysia to produce a charity concert, ‘Wonderful Tonight’ to provide support for Nepal Relief Efforts and the Kelantan Flood Relief Fund. Co-Title Sponsors for the concert are Connexion@Nexus and Sikit Atas Restaurant & Bistro.The concert will… Continue Reading

Jaya Shopping Centre celebrates Christmas with Children of Rumah Hope

Children of Rumah Hope pose with Dewi, Miss Malaysia World 2014, Madam Santha Kumari, Care giver of Rumah Hope and Radlin Ramsah, Advertising & Promotions Assistant Manager of Jaya Shopping Centre Jaya Shopping Centre celebrated Christmas with the children of Rumah Hope, in the spirit of togetherness, charity and love. The neighbourhood shopping centre presented… Continue Reading

Josiah’s Tadika Concert 2014

Josiah’s Tadika Concert 2014

Recently this month, Josiah graduated from his 5 years old class in Tadika Anak Seri Cahaya, making it his 3rd graduation concert performance. All parents are naturally very excited to watch their kids perform on the big stage, us counted. I really thank the Tadika teachers for putting on a great show year in and… Continue Reading

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