A sneak preview of WIGGY, P1 Wimax’s latest USB Modem

Yesterday night, P1 Wimax, as usual, decided to launch something and invited not the press, but bloggers to the preview. That’s what I love about P1, they know the power of what bloggers have to say.

Anyways, this time, we are invited to become testers of the new long awaited USB Modem, called the WIGGY. Don’t know it’s named like this, but it sure caused some curiousity.

The night started off with some light presentation, some slides to show off the tech and innovation behind the usb modem.

USB modems for the Wimax technology is absolutely essential in my opinion, since this is a wireless technology. Being wireless, surely users want to be able to bring the modem around and use it outside the confines of the house. So, the USB modem also need to be something easy to bring around, without wires, else it would be so ironic.

So, after the presentation, it was some time for Q&A with the staffs…and also on hands try out of the modems with the laptops.

Bloggers always want to test for speed.

Obviously, it will be a bit slower than the lunch box modem. It reaches 88% of the supposed speed according to this test. That’s not so bad at all, as long as it is stable, no complaints here.

P1 also like to feed bloggers, a hungry blogger = a mad one. Smart move…

Oh, the greatest part, is each blogger goes home with a free USB Modem.

Ok unfortunately it is not ours to keep. We get to use it / test it for 3 months, and then return it if we don’t want to subscribe. The Wiggy comes nicely enclosed in a plastic casing. It is shiny black in colour, not sure if it’s scratch proof.

Good thing is, it’s not square. It has some angles…though not curves. 😛 P1 is marketing it as a SEXY you buy it? Anyways, it’s quite nice, with the USB dongle something you can fold into the device, so there’s no need for wires or caps that get lost.

Want to know the tech specs? Every packet comes with the brochure with all the details of usage and of coz, the specs.

They even go to the extent of having changeable skins for the connection manager.

When plugged in, the light will show either RED of BLUE, well, RED means no connectivity, while BLUE means CONNECTED!

Well, since it’s not activated yet, and I don’t have coverage in Kajang, it is red for now. The nearest coverage area for me at the moment is Bandar Mahkota Cheras. It’s very easy to check your coverage at the P1 Website. It’s actually using Google Maps, so you can see immediately, whether your area is covered or not. I guess one of these days I need to take a ride to Mahkota Cheras to test out this baby.

13 Responses to A sneak preview of WIGGY, P1 Wimax’s latest USB Modem

  1. hi , i’m living in bandar sungai long(around bandar makhota cheras) , and the wiggy i got says red meaning it is not in coverage ah? also . do i need a modem to get connected ?

    note : i got the wiggy from my fren

    waiting for ur reply asap ><

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