Sarawak Kolomee in Kajang

So after finding out about Sarawak Laksa in Kajang, we didn’t realise that the very same cafe sells sarawak kolomee too. Apparently the guy who sells the laksa had been bringing in the curly noodles from Kuching to this stall for over a year before he himself moved here to try out the business. However, the stall that actually sells the kolomee is run by a local hakka woman and her stall name is simply misleading.

If not for the overflowing kolomee peeping out of the rack in the stall, we wouldn’t have known.

Not knowing whether it would taste ‘authentic’ or not, we ordered just one plate to give it a try. It is unauthentically served in a plate, like how all west malaysian dried noodles are served.

From first look, it did not look too appealing. The charsiew (roast pork) looked sad and colourless, the wantan is fried kind, the noodle had no colour, and there’s no vege. However, with one taste, we found that it quite pass the test. There are some stalls in Kuching that might serve worse kolomee than this. Thanks to the original curly noodle, I can truly call this Sarawak Kolomee. It doesn’t come cheap though, having being ‘imported’, one plate is at RM5.00!

3 Responses to Sarawak Kolomee in Kajang

  1. KNS… It’s been sometimes I didn’t eat out, the price all that high already?! I’m still looking for Sibu Kampua instead of Kuching/Sarawak kolomee le… 😛

  2. The kolo mee sure looks sad. Thought i might give them visit when i miss Kuching Kolo Mee. But i guess not now, especially it is served in plate! 😛

  3. Nyam…now i think that the expensive ticket back home might be worth it. Next time go Kajang try kolo mee. Open on weekends?

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