What was on The Star?

Star Paper

Where is the front cover of the Star paper this morning? Why not complete set wan? It seems the e-paper has the front page section, though I can’t browse it coz I didn’t subscribe to it. The only thing I can think of is probably some controversial news that they published and have to take back all the papers.

4 Responses to What was on The Star?

  1. Hi. Does the state of missing cover pages only happened to you or all the The Stars nationwide ? Really wish to find out more on this. Couldn’t do it myself due to the fact that i’m in overseas 🙂

  2. I don’t know if it’s all over Malaysia, but difinitely all over Kajang. The vendors themselve can’t explain why, I went to a few shops with the same missing pages…..

  3. I am from Penang and the Star arrived very late this morning. If you are seriously curious to know, the fat lady is on the front page with some caption that she has gone to Perth and ponteng cabinet.

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