Friendster Encouraging new Bloggers

When I started blogging, I only had a handful of friends who blog. Most of the bloggers I knew online are way over the other side of the world. Then came Friendster Blogs, and everybody I knew who never thought of blogging before, actually became a blogger. How cool is that? If someone is to approach me to ask me how to start a blog, I actually wouldn’t recommend using Friendster’s Blogs. But it seems to be catching on among Friendster users who couldn’t be bothered with customisation, coding and stuff. So I guess those Friendster people knew their target market well.

If you thought it was great to keep in touch through Friendster with long lost friends, it’s even greater now to keep in touch with their lives through their blogs. Statistics show there are over 60 mil bloggers in the World. Most of these are concentrated in US. In Malaysia, there’s possibly less than a million, but no stats to show for sure. That’s really little, but not bad for a tiny country like this. Hopefully, Friendster Blogs can be the starting point for many more would-be bloggers.

2 Responses to Friendster Encouraging new Bloggers

  1. I’ve seen a number of my friends begin blogging through Friendster, and it’s a good practice. Since a lot of Malaysians are on Friendster, I get to keep on touch with them. However, there is one drawback. When you make a powerful tool available for idiots, you get idiots using them. Some people just spam away on their blogs, posting inane and unrelated things there, like lyrics, and surveys, et cetera. If it were their own, that’d be… well, remotely okay, but they keep pasting things like forwards, and stupid things. It’s a bit annoying, really.

    But other than that, I applaud Friendster’s efforts to make blogging accessible to more people.

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