
Man, this is like my busiest week still, with the Mission Weekend coming up, and my body decided to die on me. Last Monday night, I went decorating the sanctuary, but ended up being useless, as I started catching a fever. Suddenly, I just felt my head grow bigger and bigger, my eyes get blurrer and blurrer, and the aircond became way too cold. Knowing these are signs of fever, I still didn’t wanna take panadols, as Jo forced me. It’s not that I never take panadol before, just that I’d take it if it’s unbearable pain, either that or when I’m dying (maybe?)

So, by the time I got to bed, my head was bigger than a friskie disc! K, that’s not that big. Maybe a hula hoop, with much air in it. The throbbing was so overwhelming that I actually didn’t feel much of it. After popping those ganoderma pills from E.Excel like hot cakes, I slept in discomfort. The next morn, I recovered much, but still feeling drowsy and puky. Well, the weather was also nice and cold, so I decided to just take a day off for total recovery. By night I had totally recovered! What da man!

Sigh…but last night, I caught flu pulak. Now I look like hantu! Sien, sufferingnya with these sicknesses. Must be the rain last night, we went supper, and then suddenly rain super a lot. The mamak stall pulak at the shop side, so the water all splash inside. Somemore masuk the car, also I kena rain on my head. But so lazy to bath again, I end up watch midnite show on TV, some lovey dovey story, till very very late. That’s when, uh oh, got flu. oh pray that I get well by Sat la to enjoy the concert!!

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