Singapore trip

8th July 2005

guys playing snooker

Arrived in The Inn-crowd. First thing that made me like the place… There are cats! We arrived about 10am so our beds were not ready. We were asked to just hang around for an hour. What I disliked about the place? It is hot! There was only one aircond in the whole place packed with more than ten caucasians. We made ourselves some & sat around pouring thru maps to plan our outing for the day.

We decided to go to Sim Lin Square to check out electronic stuffs. After that we just walked around & ended up shoe & clothes shopping in OG. I was tired, but when it comes to shopping, I became alive. There were great bargains everywhere. I managed to grab myself some clothes & shoes. We walked & walked all the way to Bugis & had fantabulous Katong Laksa for tea time. Food was pricey, but stomache was calling.

At about 5pm we headed back to the hostel as our feet were killing us. The communal bathroom is pretty neat..spacious with great showers. We were given double decker beds in the corner, so there was a little privacy.

After resting, we headed off to Seiyu scross the street. I couldn’t help it & actually bought myself a self assembly Gundam robot…it was only 8.95.

We later contemplated watching Fantastic Four…but opted coz we were 5min late already. We headed back to the hostel. People were still up, drinking & playing pool.

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