Gmail Rocks!

I just became a Gmail Beta Tester User thingy. All because I use Blogger. Hey it’s not that the fellas from Google filled up my pockets or anything, but I must tell you that Gmail is like nothing I’ve seen before. It really does rock! Check out how true conversation works in email. I don’t know why I hear of people suing Google for this cool tech and all, but I don’t feel Google is invading my privacy. It is just the Bot that crawls my email.

4 Responses to Gmail Rocks!

  1. umm… are you sure you want the whole world to see your email address on the screenshot? you want to test google’s anti-spam is it?

  2. becareful when taking screenshot. you may reveal some sensitive/private/important information about yourselves. Try to masked sensitive part of the image before upload 🙂

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