Day 5: Protein and Tomatoes. You can have a piece of meat/fish either grilled or baked for lunch and dinner with tomatoes.
Today is my favourite day, as I can eat fish. I love love love fish. Some other diets call for other types of meat, but fish it is for me.
I did not cook any more Wonder soup for today, I figure I would just eat more fish.
For breakfast, I baked a piece of salmon and ate some tomatoes. The tomatoes are supposed to flush out the system.
I had to eat 6-8 fresh tomatoes today but I managed to eat only 5.
I went out for lunch! I actually ate out today after so many days of watching the hubs devour his food by himself. We went to eat, what else, fish of coz. I ordered my fish in soup of tomato based soup without any milk or noodles.
For dinner, I had another piece of fish and more tomatoes. This fish was really large, I was too full after dinner. Forgot to take pics even. By Day 5, I had only lost 3kg. Oh well, better than nothing.